Jumat, 08 Februari 2013


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Post to All Friends and Groups in One Click

This tool will help you to tighten up the relationships with all your Facebook friends or groups. Just write a messege and it will delivered to all. Piece of cake.

A little trick

    • You'll need to use your own facebook application Id in order to post as many as you like, 'couse if you don't you will be limited to only 25 post for each application.
  1. On message Box;
    • When you type :name: it will replaced with your friend/group's name
    • When you type :firstname: it will replaced with your friend/group's first name
    • When you type :lastname: it will replaced with your friend/group's last name
Rand Get Token
Load Now
  1. If you're still wondering on how to get an Access Token from Apps,
    (do I need to explain it again? :P)
    • Put your Apps Id in the Application ID field
    • Click on Get Token button
    • The popup window will shows you any perms to grant, just follow the instructions there
    • At the last window you'll see the share dialog, Don't click on Share button! just Copy the full URL on that window and paste into Access Token box. You may close the popup window after that.
  2. When using SWF Attachment mode;
    • You can search for SWF file URL on Google by typing (for example) inurl:game.swf
    • If you're not adding anything in Picture URL field, we will use your profile picture as your SWF cover.
    • SWF Attachment can only be played on profile wall/timeline.
Ingat Waktu Coy


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Pernah ingin mengirim seseorang sebuah pesan Facebook chat dengan font yang berbeda? sekarang bisa.

KamiAingCreations jika menampilkan berbagai pilihan font keren yang dapat digunakan saat mengirim pesan chat kepada siapa pun di Facebook itu benar-benar mudah digunakan, yang harus lakukan adalah:

  • Pilih font
  • Tulis pesan
  • Paste kode chatting di Facebook

Teman-teman akan menerima pesan yang ditulis dalam font yang pilih.


Ingat Waktu Coy
